Alhijaz Indowisata Travel Umroh Haji

Travel Umroh Terbaik
Alhijaz Indowisata

Travel umroh haji terbaik di Indonesia yang telah berpengalaman melayani jamaah lebih dari 20 tahun. Berizin resmi kemenag, ter-Akreditasi A, dan bersertifikat SNI-ISO.

Travel Umroh Terbaik
Alhijaz Indowisata

Travel umroh haji terbaik di Indonesia yang telah berpengalaman melayani jamaah lebih dari 20 tahun. Berizin resmi kemenag, ter-Akreditasi A, dan bersertifikat SNI-ISO.

Travel Umroh Haji Berizin Resmi Kemenag

Izin Umroh PPIU No.U490 Thn 2020 dan Izin Penyelenggara Ibadah Haji Khusus PIHK No.304 Thn 2022

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Terakreditasi “A” & Sertifikat SNI-ISO 9001-2015 QMS

Layanan jasa travel umroh dan haji kami telah terakreditasi A dan sesuai SNI & ISO 9001-2015 QMS

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Gedung Milik Sendiri & Provider Resmi Visa Umroh

Status Provider Resmi Visa Umroh, meminimalisir gagal berangkat karena Visa Tidak Terbit

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“We believe that by empowering ourselves, we can empower the world around us.”

John Doe – SEO

Our Goals

We bring people together

Our goal is to bring people together by breaking down barriers of race, religion, gender, and nationality. Alhijaz Indowisata We should be striving to promote a world without borders – one where everyone is able to pursue their dreams.

Our Commitment to you

Pasti Jadwalnya

Pasti Terbangnya

Pasti Hotelnya

Pasti Visanya

Pasti Umrohnya

20 years of experience

We have been working in this field for 30 years and we are really excited to move forward with more new things.


Jamaah Umroh DIberangkatkan


Waiting List Haji Alhijaz Sd 2033


Jamaah Umroh Tahun 1445H


Jasa badal Umroh Alhijaz

Why choose us

Keunggulan Kami

Berizin Resmi Kemenag

Morbi mi neque, pulvinar non ante a, congue scelerisque nisi. Pellentesque est enim, efficitur vehicula justo non, accumsan tempus tellus.

Terakreditasi A

Cras vehicula, nunc sit amet blandit vestibulum, ipsum erat tristique ipsum, vitae feugiat augue enim ac tellus.

Bersertifikat SNI-ISO

Morbi mi neque, pulvinar non ante a, congue scelerisque nisi. Vivamus porttitor orci quis lorem tincidunt ornare.

Provider Visa Umroh

Morbi mi neque, pulvinar non ante a, congue scelerisque nisi. Vivamus porttitor orci quis lorem tincidunt ornare.

Jamaah Umroh Alhijaz Indowisata

Public Figure

Deddy Mizwar

Deddy Mizwar


Sam Bimbo

Kel. Sam Bimbo


Para Pencari Tuhan

“Para Pencari Tuhan”

Artis Pendukung

Oppie Kumis

Oppie Kumis


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